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lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Prognostic Factors for Survival in Adult Patients With Cerebral Low-Grade Glioma

Prognostic Factors for Survival in Adult Patients With Cerebral Low-Grade Glioma

By Francesco Pignatti, for the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Brain Tumor Cooperative Group and Radiotherapy Cooperative Group     Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 20, Issue 8 (April), 2002: 2076-2084
To identify prognostic factors for survival in adult patients with cerebral low-grade glioma (LGG), to derive a prognostic scoring system, and to validate results using an independent data set. European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trial 22844 and EORTC trial 22845 are the largest phase III trials ever carried out in adult patients with LGG. The trials were designed to investigate the dosage and timing of postoperative radiotherapy in LGG. Cox analysis was performed on 322 patients from EORTC trial 22844 (construction set), and the results were validated on 288 patients from trial 22845 (validation set). Patients with pilocytic astrocytomas were excluded from this prognostic factor analysis.
Multivariate analysis on the construction set showed that age   40 years, astrocytoma histology subtype, largest diameter of the tumor  6 cm, tumor crossing the midline, and presence of neurologic deficit before surgery were unfavorable prognostic factors for survival. The total number of unfavorable factors present can be used to determine the prognostic score.
Presence of up to two of these factors identifies the low-risk group, whereas a higher score identifies high-risk patients. The validity of the multivariate model and of the scoring system was confirmed in the validation set.

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Reunión Capítulo. Elección Nueva Junta Directiva 2013

Reunión Capítulo. Elección Nueva Junta Directiva 2013
En la Imagen los asistentes a la reunión del Capítulo realizada durante el Congreso Nacional de Neurocirugía en la ciudad de Bogotá del 9 al 12 de Mayo de 2012. Se realizó un informe de actividades y se eligió la nueva Junta Directiva que iniciará sus actividades apartir del 2013. Fueron elegidos como Presidente: Dr. Juan Armando Mejía, Vicepresidente: Dr. Victor Morera. Secretario: Dr. Francisco Guzmán.

Creación del Capítulo. Barranquilla, Diciembre 2010

Creación del Capítulo. Barranquilla,  Diciembre 2010
Reunión y formación del Capitulo de Neurocirugía Oncológica y Base de Cráneo. Conformación Cuadro Directivo 2010-2012: Presidente: Dr.Gabriel Vargas Grau, (Zonal Oriente), Vicepresidente: Dr. Juan Armando Mejía ( Zonal Bogotá), Secretario: Dr. Gerardo Hernandez ( Zonal Occidente). Definiendo actividades para el período en compañía del Dr. Juan Carlos Oviedo Presidente Asociación Colombiana de Neurocirugía 2010-2012, Dr. Jorge Aristizabal, Dr. Victor Morera, Dr. Francisco Guzman, Dr. Ernest Senz, Dr. Miguel Velasquez.